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Purpose of this App

In the age of cloud computing, it is still common practice to receive an overall bill from the provider and consumption data typically in the form of a CSV file. While APIs are often available, they tend to be less detailed than the CSV files.

With these text files, providers frequently do not adhere to the exact CSV specifications, which can easily result in conversion errors with data, even when using spreadsheet programs. These errors may not be immediately noticeable and can accumulate. This issue is particularly prevalent among Anglo-Saxon companies.

The TECC CSV converter aims to address this problem by accurately converting the files and displaying common functions such as subtotals and grand totals while translating the fields into the appropriate "locales" as precisely as possible.

During development, the focus was on ensuring the simplest possible processing and the speed of the conversion. The application can be operated in either light or dark mode.

For the sake of consistency, we will only use screenshots from dark mode in this documentation.

Light mode


Dark mode
